The Snow Girl
10. Color pencil drawing on 11 x 15 drawing board. Appears on the cover of, "Famous Fantastic Classics, No.1," edited and published by Ted Dikty. Back in the late 1960s Ted was among the first editors to send me assignments on a regular basis, and that helped me to keep going on a full time schedule. Ted ran Starmont House and FAX, publishing stories that had originally appeared in magazines during 1930s and 1940s, the "Golden Age" of the pulps. Other small press houses like "Gnome Press," "Fantasy Press," "Shasta," Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc.," "Arkham House," all reprinted stories by the better pulp writers. They printed only a few thousand copies of each title, at best, never made much money and by the late 1960s they were all out of business, except for Arkham House, which is still publishing books today. I have illustrated 10 books for AH.

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